Script for opening and closing SCADA pages

Open SCADA page can be read or written with the script. You can replace scada page name with the desired name. ScreenName variable can be used for for this purpose.
Following script gets last opened screen name.

Imports System

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Namespace WinTr

Public Class MainClass

Public ScreenName as String

Public Sub Load


End Sub

End Class

End Namespace

Another screen can be opened with similar script. Specify ScreenName.
ScreenName = “Screen_2”
Following line opens the screen in new window.
ScreenName = “Screen_2\NewWindow”
Call “Exit Screen” for closing the screen. Runtime will close if there is no another open screen.
ScreenName = “Exit Screen”
“Login” command calls Login page.
ScreenName = “Login”
You can use “Previous Screen” command for calling previous screen.
ScreenName = “Previous Screen”
Use “Application.Exit” for closing SCADA entirely.

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